Industrial Consulting

With 30 years of experience, Retilox provides industrial consulting in person or by video conference, to companies that manufacture rubber artifacts that focus on replacement of the sulfur vulcanization system and accelerators with base cure systems organic peroxides.

Among other exclusive technologies, Retilox offers huge cost-effective solutions to Conveyor Belts, Tires, Hoses, Wire and Cable Profiles, Footwear segments
between others.

All developments are reviewed and restructured with a focus on productivity gains, qualityimprovement , added to global cost savings.

Steps for our industrial consulting process are outlined below:

Initial Definitions
Process Improvement Planning
Execution and Monitoring of Improvement Actions
Closure of the improvements Project

Our Purpose

Retilox aims to develop special solutions managed to plastomer and elastomer artifcacts manufactors, respecting the most stringent technical standards in the industry, offering exclusive products that do not harm the ecosystem and human health. It is an innovative company and its Department of R&D works aimed at the future, always seeking to improve the products and processes of its customers, thus benefiting all end-users of rubber and plastic artifacts. RETILOX pursues every day for excellence in everything it does, putting into practice its vision of becoming a world reference in the development/supply of exclusive curing systems based on organic peroxides.


Social responsability

Quality policy

“Managing to offer technological and innovative solutions for the rubber and plastic markets, satisfying customers and always seeking continuous improvement.”

In order to guarantee the high quality of all the solutions it develops, Retilox Química has the ISO 9001 certification, thus establishing a management model that strives for absolute excellence in all its operations.


Our work reinforce a real commitment to the sustainability and drive us to the ISO 14001 Certification.

Zero smoke

No smoke is emited in the  manufacturing  processes of our products.

No Emission of Effluent

We do not use water in our production processes, we do not emit industrial effluents, we posses a containement system for all water used internally for washing laboratory materials, which is collected periodically by certified companies.

Solid Waste Disposal

Our processes virtually do not generate solid waste, and we ensure that amy leftlove material is properly  disposed of by renowned and duly certified companies. 

Loss Reduction and Recyclability

We offer exclusive products that reduce by up to 30% loss of material of our customers, in addition to the cutting  edge technology for 100% recycling of its leftovers.

Reduction of Energy Consumption

Our products and solutions also offer the market a huge productivity gain, allowing a drastic reductiom of energy consumption.

Collaboration with Cooperatives

We organize periodic collection of recyclable material, contributing to the work of cooperatives in the region.